Page 5 - The Clare Connection_Summer 2019 Flipbook
P. 5

Local police officers joined residents Barbara Bernard and
                                                                      Kathryn Brown for coffee in The Ambassador Lounge in June.

              Back row: Sue Brown, Virginia Wolff and Connie Barrett;
              Front Row: Lionel Gross, Steve Andres and Kathryn Brown

      A     group of residents that has dubbed themselves The

      Herd regularly meet for dinner to celebrate their deep
      Wyoming  connections.  The  residents  note  that  since                             Resident Ruth Geisenheimer recently
      Wyoming is one of the least populated states, it’s quite                             celebrated her 90th birthday! Here, she is
                                                                                           pictured with Doorman Bob Jackson.
      amazing that six of them live at The Clare!

                                                                                                     Ginny and Roger Carlson

                                                                             T  he Clare honored residents who are involved
                                                                             and volunteer with Working In The Schools
                                                                             (WITS) with a special happy hour at the end
                                                                             of May to thank them for all they do to help
                                                                             children in Chicago.

   R   esident  Ken  Mullin  (far  left)  served  as  a  juror  for the 2019 Newhouse
   Architecture and Design Competition in May at the Chicago Architecture
   Center. Ken helped to judge a series of graphic design entries for a bus shelter     Nancy Vincent, Rich Kaczmarek,
   poster to advertise Open House Chicago, a free public festival that provides         Jim Stack and Karol Moller
   behind-the-scenes access to more than 250 buildings around Chicago.
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