Page 6 - The Clare Connection_Summer 2019 Flipbook
P. 6

Morning Glories and Summer

                                            ARTIST PROFILE
              Nancy Lee Spilove

                                            Nancy Lee Spilove: The Meditation

                                            and Precision of Sumi-e Painting

                                            O    ver the years, Nancy Lee Spilove has made her way through a number of

                                            She spent 10 years managing her ex-husband’s medical practice. At age 51, she
                                            went to school to become a chef, and later became a culinary arts instructor. For
                                            eight years, she worked at a soup kitchen in Florida, followed by a two-year stint
                                            teaching cooking at another charity
                                            Despite the career changes, one thing remained constant: Nancy Lee’s love of
                                            oriental ornamentation, which led to her passion for Sumi-e, or oriental brush
      “It’s my thing,” she says.
       “I only wanted to stick              While Nancy Lee’s fascination with oriental furniture and decoration has been
                                            lifelong, her interest in practicing Sumi-e painting sparked about 35 years ago,
            with Sumi-e.”                   when she discovered an ad for a Sumi-e instructor – right around the corner from
                                            her Florida home, as luck would have it.
                                            It was this instructor who served as a mentor for Nancy Lee, who propelled her
                                            into a world where Sumi-e art became far more than a hobby. Nancy Lee grew
                                            to enjoy Sumi-e painting so much, in fact, that she completed at least 40 works
                                            to date.
                                            “It’s my thing,” she says. “I only wanted to stick with Sumi-e.”
                                            The Sumi-e Process and Special Techniques
                                            The process of starting a Sumi-e painting is quite meditative, according to Nancy
                                            Lee. Add a couple of drops of water to an ink stone, and rotate an ink stick to
                                            prepare the ink for painting.
                                            “It takes quite a while to get your ink right, so it gives me time to cool down and
                                            release whatever’s on my mind,” she says.
                                            In addition to this prepared ink, Nancy Lee uses watercolors, rather than grinding
                                            her own paints. Typically, she uses various different colors, blending them in the
                                            center of a pie plate. She notes the importance of holding the brush straight
                                            up and down, too, as opposed to a more natural, instinctive way of placing it in
                                            your hand.
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